header Kletzen Observatory N51°27'12.456 - E12°25'2.064    /    51.45346 - 12.41724

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Here everything revolves around astronomy, engineering and construction of a complete observatory.

Astronomy is one of the oldest - perhaps the oldest science of mankind. Always Astronomers observed with the utmost care the course of the stars and planets. The Egyptians to predict an eclipse as early as 4000 years ago! But the big turning point came with the invention of optical devices. As Galileo Galilei 400 years ago for the first time a 0,8" telescope set on the moon, suddenly structures came out of surface. The Jupiter showed its four brightest moons. Since then the devices have steadily developed. Today we have telescopes in space and huge equipment around the globe. The VLT of ESO in Chile united as a matter of fact four 8Meter mirrors to one image. Larger telescopes are already in planning and you can be really excited for the future. This fascinating development, and of course my general interest in science and technology, had grow in me the idea to build an own small observatory. I started to explore my options and after a year of planning and design phase came into being this observatory with a dome of 1615" across and the remote-controlled telescope in real manual work.
The new 405mm telescope with an open truss tube of carbon fiber.